Discover the sustainable story behind our donation socks!

In our sock factory in The Hague, we make donation socks in a social way, as the socks are made, ironed, packed, and distributed by participants from the Salvation Army. But did you know that they are also super sustainable, made from recycled materials?
We use old jeans as the base, which we carefully shred into small fabric fibers. These fibers are then spun into yarn, from which we knit our donation socks. And we do this all in the Netherlands. So in addition to being sustainable, it's also super local!
By reusing jeans, we reduce our impact on the environment. In this way, we provide warmth and comfort to homeless people in need, while contributing to a more sustainable future for our planet. 🌍🧦 Additionally, we designed these donation socks together with participants from the Salvation Army. This allowed us to create a comfortable warm walking sock that meets the needs of people on the street.
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