
Kunstenaar Andres Talledo Pachecho
Andres was born in Lima and arrived alone in the Netherlands as an 8-year-old boy. Through various homes and without family he grows up to become a creative "wandering" artist. As van Gogh was, according to him.
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Kunstenaar Jarno Hannu
Creativity is the driving force in Jarno's life. He designed interiors of retail chains, built stages for the most famous festivals and realized catwalks for the biggest brands on earth. Until a major fire in his home and workshop sent his life's work up in smoke.
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Kunstenares - Jonna
Jonna* has always had a roof over her head, but as a child she was often not safe under that roof. This eventually proved decisive for the further course of her life. Psychological complaints developed, often hidden from the outside world, and caused Jonna to enter a treatment program.
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Kunstenares Miek Knook
Miek became homeless at the age of 19 due to an unsafe home situation. She stayed with friends and acquaintances, she was a "couchsurfer" as it is called.
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Kunstenaar - Niek
Niek is the artist of our Breda sock. Niek's life is like a story from a movie. He has been homeless for seventeen years of his life. Years of sleeping under a bridge, living in a forest and traveling around our country while walking. Alienation and little faith in a "good" future made him prefer to be homeless.
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